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THE ROCK: Daughters



● スクリプト


So, what is it you want your daughters to know about the way you love them?

The Rock

I want my daughters to know that I love them unconditionally, truly, unconditionally without condition. And I have a daughter who’s 18 years old, her name is Simone. Jasmine who just turned four, baby, Tiana, thank you who is getting ready to turn two. And I am as I told my 18-year-old daughter, Simone, I said I love you. I’m going to tell you I love you every day, I’m going to text you I love you…


So, you’re one of those who say the words out loud?

The Rock

Yes, because I didn’t get that. And I look at you, I love you and I’m going to text you. But I also told her, I’m unattached. You don’t even have to text me back. Right? You could text me back. It’s fine. But you don’t have to, like it’s okay. It’s without condition. It’s unconditional love. And I also want to teach my daughters the value of hard work. More importantly, I want to teach my daughters the value of being kind, and how important that is.


● 解説


So, / what is it you want / your daughters to know / about the way you love them?

The Rock

I want my daughters to know that I love them / unconditionally, / truly, unconditionally / without condition. / And / I have a daughter who’s 18 years old, her name is Simone. / Jasmine who just turned four, / baby,/ Tiana, thank you who is getting ready to turn two. / And/ I am as I told my 18-year-old daughter, Simone, I said I love you./ I’m going to tell you I love you every day, / I’m going to text you I love you…


So, you’re one of those who says the words out loud?

The Rock

Yes, / because I didn’t get that./ And I look at you, / I love you and I’m going to text you. But I also told her, / I’m unattached. / You don’t even have to text me back. / Right? / You could text me back. It’s fine. But you don’t have to, like it’s okay. / It’s without condition./ It’s unconditional love./ And I also want to teach my daughters / the value of hard work. / More importantly, I want to teach my daughters/ the value of being kind, / and how important that is.

unconditionally = [副] 無条件で

truly = [副] 本当に、真実の

condition = [名] 条件、状態

turn 年齢 = [動] 〜歳になる

those who = [名] (〜の)人々

say A out loud = [動] Aを声を大にして言う

unattached = [形] 中立の立場

unconditional = [形] 無条件の

value = [名] 価値

importantly = [副] 何よりも(重要なこととして)


● 日本語訳



The Rock




The Rock



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