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Selena Gomez - 73 Questions



● スプリクト

[A] Okay, so what were you doing at this moment I came by?

[B] Not stalking you.

[A] What did you find yourself doing a lot these days?

[B] Playing heads up.

[A] What’s your current obsession?

[B] Heads up.

[A] Can you make any predictions about anything exactly one year from now?

[B] I think I’ll be doing a lot of traveling.

[A] Besides doing adventurous interviews like this, what are you doing your days off?

[B] Hang out with friends.

[A] Where’s your favorite place to visit in the world.

[B] Europe.

[A] What is specific thing do you love the most about Texas?

[B] The people.

[A] What’s the most enjoyable activity when you’re home in Texas?

[B] Eating my Nana’s food.

[A] What’s something you own that you truly cherish?

[B] My jewelry.

[A] What’s the one thing you can never live without?

[B] My family.

[A] Out of all the hobbies in the world, what’s one hobby that you’ll never give up? [B] Dancing.

[A] What’s one hobby that you plan on picking up?

[B] Learning new languages.

[A] What’s something you’d like to say to your 112 million Instagram followers?

[B] I get to do what I love every single day and it’s because of you, thank you.


● 解説

[A] Okay, / so what were you doing at this moment I came by?

[B] Not stalking you.

[A] What did you find yourself doing a lot these days?

[B] Playing heads up.

[A] What’s your current obsession?

[B] Heads up.

[A] Can you make any predictions / about anything / exactly one year from now?

[B] I think I’ll be doing a lot of traveling.

[A] Besides doing adventurous interviews like this, / what are you doing your days off?

[B] Hang out with friends.

[A] Where’s your favorite place to visit / in the world.

[B] Europe.

[A] What is specific thing / do you love the most about Texas?

[B] The people.

[A] What’s the most enjoyable activity / when you’re home in Texas?

[B] Eating my Nana’s food.

[A] What’s something you own / that you truly cherish?

[B] My jewelry.

[A] What’s the one thing you can never / live without?

[B] My family.

[A] Out of all the hobbies in the world, / what’s one hobby that you’ll never give up?

[B] Dancing.

[A] What’s one hobby that you plan / on picking up?

[B] Learning new languages.

[A] What’s something you’d like to say / to your 112 million Instagram followers?

[B] I get to do what I love every single day and / it’s because of you, thank you.

moment = [名] 瞬間、今

come by = [動] やってくる

stalk = [動] ストーカーをする

current = [形] 最新の、最近の

obsession = [名] 頭から離れないこと、はまっていること

prediction = [名] 予測、予言

exactly = [副] 正確に、ちょうど

besides = [副] 〜の他に

adventurous = [形] 冒険的な、大胆な

hang out with = [動] 〜と出かける、遊ぶ

specific = [形] 特定の

enjoyable = [形] 楽しい

Nana = [名] 祖母

own = [動] 所有している


● 日本語訳
















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