※おすすめの音読勉強方法 ← クリック
● スクリプト
All right, so I've done my first five and now I'm going to show you my last five. So I have very busy days. I'm a mother of three boys, so my nine month old is still breastfeeding, so I breastfeed him four or five times a day. Actually it's almost time in 10 minutes I'm supposed to breastfeed. And so between breastfeeding putting the kids down for their naps, there's a lot that goes into my day because two of my children are under two. I get them to bed by 6:30 p.m which is really great I start their wind down routine at about 4:45 and then sleep at 6:30. So then after the kids go to bed, then I get to do my little routine. So I just got the kids to bed, Evan's doing his workout, so I'm going to do a little ballet beautiful online and then take a bath. At 6:45 I have every day an appointment set with Mary Helen who does like ballet beautiful. She's also a mum. She has three girls. Her children are asleep, my children are asleep, I can have that time to work out without feeling guilty. It's a good time for me to take for myself and get my, you know, booty back in shape.
● 解説
All right, / so I've done my first five / and now I'm going to show you my last five. / So I have very busy days. / I'm a mother of three boys, / so my nine month old is still breastfeeding, / so I breastfeed him four or five times a day. / Actually / it's almost time / in 10 minutes I'm supposed to breastfeed. / And so between breastfeeding putting the kids down for their naps, / there's a lot that goes into my day / because two of my children are under two. / I get them to bed by 6:30 p.m / which is really great I start their wind down routine at about / 4:45 / and then sleep at 6:30. / So then after the kids go to bed, / then I get to do my little routine. / So I just got the kids to bed, / Evan's doing his workout, / so I'm going to do a little ballet beautiful online / and then take a bath. / At 6:45 / I have every day an appointment set with Mary Helen who does like ballet beautiful. / She's also a mum. / She has three girls. / Her children are asleep, / my children are asleep, / I can have that time to work out without feeling guilty. / It's a good time for me to take for myself and / get my, / you know, / booty back in shape.
show A B = [動] BをAに見せる
breastfeeding = [名] 母乳育児
breastfeed = [動] 母乳をあげる
almost = [副] ほとんどの
be supposed to do = [動] 〜することになっている
nap = [名] 昼寝
wind down = [形] リラックした
go to bed = [動] 寝る、寝につく
ballet = [名] バレエ
take a bath = [動] お風呂にはいる
booty = [名] 尻、けつ
get back in shape = [動] 元通りの状態に戻す、鍛える
● 解説
はい、それでは、私の朝のルーティンは終わりました。そして今からは夜の5つのルーティンについてみていきます。私はとても忙しい日々を過ごしています。私は3人の男の子の母親で、9ヶ月の子はまだ母乳育児をしています。なので1日に5回母乳をあげなくてはいけません。実は10分後に母乳をあげる時間になります。そして母乳をあげている間にお昼寝をさせます。まだ2人の子供は2歳にもなっていないので、たくさんのことが1日の中にあります。私は彼らを6時30分までに寝かしつけます。それは本当にいいことです。私は4時30分に寝かせるための準備を始め、6時30分には寝かしつけます。そして彼らを寝かしつけた後、ちょっとしたルーティンがあります。子供が寝て、Evanがトレーニングしているので、私は美しいバレエのオンラインレッスンを受けて、お風呂に入ります。6時45分には毎日Mary Helenのレッスンがあります。彼女も母親で、3人の娘がいます。彼女の子供も私の子供も寝ていて、私は罪悪感なしでトレーニングをすることができます。その時間は自分のこと考え、自分のお尻を鍛え直すいい時間です。