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Miranda Kerr - Morning routine



● スクリプト

Hi, it's Miranda Kerr here and I'm going to take you through my first five to my last five. Good morning to lua. It's 5:30 am. My husband just woke me up, so I've got about 45 minutes to an hour before my three little kids wake up. I use that first time in the morning as a little bit of a ritual of like, taking care of myself, so I do a meditation when I first wake up. Being a busy mother, running my own company, it really sets the tone for the rest of the day. It's something that I really rely on for many years because I've been meditating since I was 18 years old. It creates that space to really be present and in the moment to me. That's what life is all about like being present, being in the moment, digging deeper into ourselves and getting closer to our spirit.


● 解説

Hi, / it's Miranda Kerr here and I'm going to take you through my first five to / my last five. / Good morning to lua. / It's 5:30 am. / My husband just woke me up, / so I've got about 45 minutes to an hour before my three little kids wake up. / I use that first time in the morning / as a little bit of / a ritual of like, / taking care of myself, / so I do a meditation / when I first wake up. / Being a busy mother, / running my own company, / it really sets the tone for the rest of the day. / It's something that I really rely on / for many years / because I've been meditating / since I was 18 years old. / It creates that space / to really be present / and in the moment to me that's what life is all about / like being present, / being in the moment, / digging deeper into ourselves / and getting closer to / our spirit.

take A through B = [動] Aと一緒にBを見ていく

wake A up = [動] Aを起こす

ritual = [名] 儀式

take care of A = [動] Aの世話をする

meditation = [名] 瞑想

run = [動] 経営する

own = [形] 自身の

set the tone for A = [動] Aの雰囲気を決める

rely on A = [] Aを頼りにする

be present = [動] 存在する

dig into A = [動] Aに突っ込む

spirit = [名] 精神


● 日本語訳



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