※おすすめの音読勉強方法 ← クリック
● スクリプト
I want to know when you got clarity for yourself about the vision of creating Gaga.
Well, you know, at first when I was younger, I went through a lot of struggles in high school. I was really bullied. I didn’t feel good about myself. And I got made fun of. Like why do you want to be a singer? Why do you want to be a musician? Why do you want to be an actress? And I felt so secluded and isolated. And it was time, once I dropped out of college, I will admit—stay in school—but I dropped out of college because I was, like, I have to pursue my dreams as a musician. This is what I want. And it was in creating Gaga, that I was able to create a superhero for myself. It was a vision for the me that I wanted to be. I wanted to be confident. I wanted to be filled with self-compassion. I wanted to be filled with compassion for others. And I wanted to share my story and my vision of the world with the world.
● 解説
I want to know / when you got clarity for yourself / about the vision / of creating Gaga.
Well, you know, at first / when I was younger, / I went through a lot of struggles / in high school. / I was really bullied. / I didn’t feel good about myself. / And I got made fun of. Like why do you want to be a singer? / Why do you want to be a musician? / Why do you want to be an actress? / And / I felt so secluded and isolated. / And it was time, / once I dropped out of college, I will admit/ —stay in school/ —but I dropped out of college / because I was, like, I have to pursue my dreams as a musician. This is what I want. / And / it was in creating Gaga, / that I was able to create a superhero / for myself. It was a vision / for the me that / I wanted to be. / I wanted to be confident. / I wanted to be filled with self-compassion. / I wanted to be filled with compassion for others. / And I wanted to share / my story / and my vision of the world / with the world.
clarity = 明確さ
vision of A = Aのビジョン
at first = [副] まず、はじめに
go through = [動] 経験する (=experience)
struggle = [名] 苦悩、辛いこと
be bullied = [動] いじめられる
get made fun of = [動] 笑いものにされた
secluded = [形] 隠遁とした
isolated = [形] 孤立した
drop out of A = [動] Aを脱退する、Aを中退する
admit = [動] (しぶしぶ事実を)認める
pursue = [動] (目的などを長期にわたり)追求する
in doing = [副] 〜している中で
confident = [形] 自信に溢れた
be filled with A = [動] Aで感情がいっぱいになる
self-compassion = [名] 自分に対する思いやり、哀れみ、優しさ
● 日本語訳