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Emma Stone - 73 Questions



● スクリプト

[A] Hello?

[B] Hey, it's that guy from Vogue 73 Questions. I'm here to ask you 73 questions.

[A] I'll be there in two seconds.

[B] Okay, let's do this.

[A] Hey!

[B] Emma!

[A] How's it going?

[A] Hey.

[A] Good to see you.

[B] It's good to see you. And it's great to see you here in sunny Los Angeles.

[A] Yes.

[B] What's the best thing about being in Los Angeles?

[A] The weather and my friends.

[B] What's the worst thing about being in Los Angeles?

[A] The smog and my enemies.

[B] What's Hollywood really like?

[A] It's a mixed bag.

[B] What's the best thing about New York City?

[A] The plays.

[B] What country in the world would you love to visit?

[A] Oh man, there's too many to name. Let's go with Costa Rica.

[B] Name one thing you can't live without.

[A] Love, in whatever form that takes.

[B] What's one thing you like to have with you on set?

[A] Headphones, and a lot of caffeine.

[B] What's one cause that is dear to your heart?

[A] Gun control.

[B] What's the funniest thing you've ever read about yourself on the internet?

[A] Oh, I once read that I look like a fish inside of a chicken, smoking a cigarette,

which is... I mean.

[B] I see the resemblance.

[A] It's uncanny.

[B] Uncanny.

[A] It really is. You wanna come in?

[B] Yeah, let's do it.


● 解説

[A] Hello?

[B] Hey, / it's that guy from Vogue 73 Questions. I'm here to ask you 73 questions.

[A] I'll be there in two seconds.

[B] Okay, / let's do this.

[A] Hey!

[B] Emma!

[A] How's it going?

[A] Hey.

[A] Good to see you.

[B] It's good to see you. / And it's great to see you here in sunny Los Angeles.

[A] Yes.

[B] What's the best thing about being in Los Angeles?

[A] The weather and my friends.

[B] What's the worst thing about being in Los Angeles?

[A] The smog / and my enemies.

[B] What's Hollywood really like?

[A] It's a mixed bag.

[B] What's the best thing about / New York City?

[A] The plays.

[B] What country in the world / would you love to visit?

[A] Oh man, there's too many to name. / Let's go with Costa Rica.

[B] Name one thing you can't live without.

[A] Love, / in whatever form that takes.

[B] What's one thing / you like to have with you on set?

[A] Headphones, / and a lot of caffeine.

[B] What's one cause that is dear to your heart?

[A] Gun control.

[B] What's the funniest thing you've ever read about yourself on the internet?

[A] Oh, / I once read that I look like a fish inside of a chicken, / smoking a cigarette, which is... / I mean.

[B] I see the resemblance.

[A] It's uncanny.

[B] Uncanny.

[A] It really is. / You wanna come in?

[B] Yeah, / let's do it.

enemy = [名詞] 敵

mixed = [形] 混ざりあった

Let's go with = [定] 〜でいこう

in whatever form that takes = [定] それから得られるもの何でも

on set = [副] 撮影現場で

cause = [名] 原因、根拠

dear = [形] 大切な、大切に

Gun control = [名] 銃規制

once = [副] 1度

I mean = [定] 要は、言えば、つまり

resemblance = [名] 類似点

uncanny = [形] 不気味な

come in = [動] 入る


● 日本語訳

[A] もしもし?

[B] こんにちは。あなたに73questionsをしに来たVogueのインタビュアーです。

[A] 2秒でそこに行くわ。

[B] オッケー、よしやろう!

[A] やあ!

[B] エマ!

[A] 調子はどう?

[A] やあ!

[A] また会えてよかったよ!

[B] この晴天のロスでまた会えて最高ですね!

[A] そうですね。

[B] ロスのいいところは何?

[A] 天候と友達。

[B] 最悪なところは?

[A] スモッグと私のアンチ。

[B] ハリウッドはどんなところ?

[A] なんでもあるよね。

[B] ニューヨークのいいところは何?

[A] 劇場。

[B] 世界中でどこに訪れてみたい?

[A] たくさんありすぎるわ。コスタリカにしておこう!

[B] なしでは生きていけない物は?

[A] 愛、そしてそれから得られるものすべて。

[B] 撮影場所に何持って行くの?

[A] へッドフォンとたくさんのカフェイン。

[B] 大切にしている信念は?

[A] 銃規制。

[B] インターネット読んだことのある1番面白い自分に関する記事は?

[A] あ〜、1度チキンの中にいる魚がタバコ吸っている姿に似ているって読んだことがある。え〜とね、つまり、

[B] 似てる点があるってことだね。

[A] 不気味な。

[B] 不気味なね。

[A] いや、本当にね。家の中に入る?

[B] はい!


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