※おすすめの音読勉強方法 ← クリック
● スクリプト
Step number one to improve your English fluency, it’s actually very simple and that is don’t give a damn. That’s right don’t give a damn. Speak whenever, wherever, however. It doesn’t matter if you speak with an accent. I still speak with an accent, and I talk to tens of millions of people every single month. It doesn’t matter. Forget how people would judge, forget how people would think of you, all this stuff it doesn’t matter. Just speak as much as you could. If they don’t understand, you say it again. If they don’t understand you say it again. You just keep saying it. I remember because I spoke with such a thick accent, I spoke like it sounded like Jackie Chan. I can still speak with some Chinese accent. (CHINESE ACCENT)
Like that kind of stuff, like I could speak with that kind of accent, but you just speak, you just a speak as much as you could. Because that’s how you get comfortable. You would not guess, if you’re always thinking about oh, I’m not sounding smart, or they would misunderstand what I’m saying, or they wouldn’t understand or I’ll look stupid, all this stuff, all these things holds you back learning the language. So don’t give a damn. Speak as much as you could to as many as you could. I will walk into the mall I will talk to people, right? Say hello, how are you? Just to practice it's okay, right? They don't bite, it's okay, practice.
● 解説
Step number one to improve your English fluency, / t’s actually very simple / and that is don’t give a damn. / That’s right / don’t give a damn. / Speak / whenever, / wherever, / however. / It doesn’t matter / if you speak with an accent. / I still speak with an accent, / and I talk to tens of millions of people every single month. / It doesn’t matter. / Forget how people would judge, / forget how people would think of you, / all this stuff it doesn’t matter. / Just speak / as much as you could. / If they don’t understand, / you say it again. / If they don’t understand you say it again. / You just keep saying it. / I remember / because I spoke with such a thick accent, I spoke like it sounded like Jackie Chan. / I can still speak with some / Chinese accent. (CHINESE ACCENT)
Like that kind of stuff, / like I could speak with that kind of accent, / but you just speak, / you just a speak / as much as you could. / Because that’s how you get comfortable. / You would not guess, / if you’re always thinking about / oh, I’m not sounding smart, / or they would misunderstand what I’m saying, / or they wouldn’t understand / or I’ll look stupid, / all this stuff, / all these things holds you back / learning the language. / So don’t give a damn. / Speak as much as you could to as many as you could. / I will walk into the mall I will talk to people, / right? / Say hello, / how are you? / Just to practice / it's okay, / right? / They don't bite, / it's okay, / practice.
improve = [動] 改善する、伸ばす
fluently = [副] 流暢に
give a damn = [動] 気にする
whenever = [副] いつでも
wherever = [副] どこでも
however = [副] どうやってでも
It doesn't matter = [定] それは問題ない
accent = [名] 訛り
judge = [動] 評価する
stuff = [名] (漠然とした)もの、こと
thick = [形] ひどい
comfortable = [形] 心地よい、慣れた
misunderstand = [動] 勘違いする
stupid = [形] ばかな、頭の悪い
hold A back = [動] Aを抑える、努力してAを抑止する
bite = [動] 噛む
● 日本語訳