※おすすめの音読勉強方法 ← クリック
● スクリプト
Do you wanna improve your English? Do you wanna speak English more fluently?
You see, English language changed my life. I was born in Hong Kong so English is not my first language. My first language is actually Cantonese. My second language is Mandarin. Because my mother is from Taiwan, and my third language is English. So when I first immigrated to North America, I couldn’t speak a word of English. And I know some of my fans, rumors says that you’re tuning into my videos because you wanna learn how to speak the English language. I find that that’s kind of interesting. If that’s the case, actually comment below and let me know. So today I wanna share with you five steps to improve your English fluency. The five things that I did to learn the English language.
● 解説
Do you wanna improve your English? / Do you wanna speak English more fluently?
/ You see, / English language / changed my life. I was born in Hong Kong / so English is not my first language. / My first language is actually Cantonese. / My second language is / Mandarin. / Because my mother is from Taiwan, / and my third language is English. / So when I first immigrated to North America, I couldn’t speak a word of English. / And I know / some of my fans, / rumors says that you’re tuning into my videos because you wanna learn / how to speak the English language. / I find that that’s kind of interesting. / If that’s the case, / actually comment below / and let me know. / So today I wanna share with you / five steps / to improve your English fluency. / The five things / that I did to learn the English language.
improve = [動] 改善する、伸ばす
fluently = [副] 流暢に
be born in A = [動] A生まれ
actually = [副] 実は、実際に
immigrate = [動] 移住する
fan = [名] ファン
rumor = [名] 噂
tune into = [動] ラジヲやテレビのチャンネルを合わせる
below = [副] 下に
fluency = [名] 流暢さ
● 日本語訳