※おすすめの音読勉強方法 ← クリック
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So, the last question people ask me is, "What is it like to be a model?" And I think the answer that they're looking for is, "If you are a little bit skinnier and you have shinier hair, you will be so happy and fabulous. "And when we're backstage, we give an answer that maybe makes it seem like that. We say, "It's really amazing to travel, and it's amazing to get to work with creative, inspired, passionate people. "And those things are true, but they're only one half of the story, because the thing that we never say on camera, that I have never said on camera, is, "I am insecure. "And I'm insecure because I have to think about what I look like every day. And if you ever are wondering, "If I have thinner thighs and shinier hair, will I be happier?" you just need to meet a group of models, because they have the thinnest thighs, the shiniest hair and the coolest clothes, and they're the most physically insecure women probably on the planet.
● 解説
So, / the last question people ask me is, / "What is it like to be a model? "And I think the answer that they're looking for / is, "If you are a little bit skinnier and you have shinier hair, / you will be so happy and fabulous. / "And when we're backstage, / we give an answer that maybe makes it seem like that. We say, / "It's really amazing to travel, / and it's amazing to get to work with creative, inspired, passionate people. / "And those things are true, / but they're only one half of the story, / because the thing that we never say on camera, that I have never said on camera, / is, "I am insecure. / "And I'm insecure because I have to think about what I look like / every day. / And if you ever are wondering, / "If I have thinner thighs and shinier hair, / will I be happier?" / you just need to meet a group of models, / because they have the thinnest thighs, the shiniest hair and the coolest clothes, / and they're the most physically / insecure women probably on the planet.
a little bit = [副] ほんの少し
skinny = [形] 痩せこけた、超細身の
shiny = [形] 明るい、輝きのある
fabulous = [形] 素晴らしい
seem like A = [動] Aのようだ、Aみたいだ
creative = [形] 創造的な、独創的な
inspired = [形] 素晴らしい、見事な
passionate = [形] 情熱的な
half of A = [名] Aの半分
insecure = [形] 自信のない、不安な
wonder = [動] (好奇心・不安・疑いを持って)〜かと思う
thin = [形] 薄い、細い、痩せた
thigh = [名] 太もも
physically = [副] 身体的に、肉体的に
probably = [副] おそらく
on the plant = [副] 世界中で
● スクリプト
さて よく聞かれる最後の質問は 「モデルってどうなの?」です。質問者の期待する答えというのは「すらっとして 髪が美しかったら幸せで 有名になれる」です。舞台裏でのインタビューとかを聞いてそう思うのかもしれません。私たちはこう答えます。 「世界中を飛び回り才能があり情熱を持つクリエイティブな人たちと仕事ができるのは素晴らしいです」確かに嘘ではありませんが、真実の半分でしかありません。誰もカメラに向かっては、絶対に言わないもの、私も言ったことはありませんが私たちは不安なんです。なぜ不安なのかと言うと、毎日自分の外見を気にしなくてはいけないからです。「足が細くて髪がもっと艶々してたらもっと幸せになれるのか?」と思うことがあるのであれば、モデルたちに会ってみることです。申し分のない脚や髪、そしてステキな服も着ていますが、彼女たちはおそらく世界で一番身体的に不安を抱えています。