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Bilingirl Chika ②


● スクリプト

For example, maybe you've been thinking about taking an online English class, but you keep worrying yourself: 'Talking to someone I don't know, online in English? What if they don't understand me! What if I don't understand them... Oh my gosh, it could be a disaster!' And you freak yourself out. Or maybe you have an important meeting coming up and you have this idea you want to share. But you're worried about what your boss or your colleagues are going to think. 'What if they don't like it... What if... you know, they completely disregard me. Ugh, it could be so humiliating... and you miss an opportunity just because you freaked yourself out. We're constantly not doing the things that we should or doing the things that we shouldn't, because our thoughts get paranoid or scared or lazy. But the author of this book reminds us that our thoughts and actions are married. You can think you don't want to do something, but still do it. Or you can think you want to do something, but not do it because you know it's not in your best interest.


● 解説

For example, / maybe you've been thinking about taking an online English class, / but you keep worrying yourself: / 'Talking to someone I don't know, online in English? / What if they don't understand me! / What if I don't understand them... / Oh my gosh, it could be a disaster!' / And you freak yourself out. / Or maybe you have an important meeting coming up / and you have this idea you want to share. / But you're worried about what your boss or your colleagues are going to think. / 'What if they don't like it... / What if... you know, they completely disregard me. / Ugh, it could be so humiliating... / and you miss an opportunity just because you freaked yourself out. / We're constantly not doing the things that we should or doing the things that we shouldn't, / because our thoughts / get paranoid or scared or lazy. / But the author of this book reminds us / that our thoughts and actions are married. / You can think you don't want to do something, / but still do it. / Or you can think you want to do something, / but not do it because you know it's not in your best interest.

What if = [定] もし〜ならどうなるだろう

disaster = [名] 大惨事

freak A out = [動] Aをパニック状態にする

completely = [副] 完全に

disregard = [動] 無視する

humiliating = [形] 侮辱的な

constantly = [副] 頻繁に、絶えず

thoughts = [名] 考え

get paranoid = [動] 考えすぎる

author = [名] 著者

remind A of B = [動] AにBを思い出させる

are married = [動] 結婚している

interest = [名] 興味


● 解説



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