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● スクリプト
Hey guys! So, I've been reading this book. The title is a bit provocative. It's called 'Unf*ck Yourself - How to get out of your head and into your life'. It's a self-help book written by a leading personal development expert, Gary John Bishop. and it was a New York Times bestseller a little while back. It gives you tips on how to get out of your own way to finally do the things that you've been wanting to do, or the things that aren't easy, but you know, you should do. We're oftentimes, our own worst enemy.
● 解説
Hey guys! / So, I've been reading this book. / The title is a bit provocative. / It's called 'Unf*ck Yourself - How to get out of your head / and into your life'. / It's a self-help book written by a leading personal development expert, / Gary John Bishop. / and it was a New York Times bestseller a little while back. / It gives you tips on how to get out of your own way to finally do the things that you've been wanting to do, / or the things that aren't easy, / but you know, / you should do. / We're oftentimes, our own worst enemy.
provocative = [形] 挑発的な
self-help = [形] 自己啓発
while back = [副] この間
tip = [名] コツ
oftentimes = [副] often
enemy = [名] 敵
● 解説